Finite Temperature Ordering in the Three-Dimensional Gauge Glass

T.Olson and A.P. Young

We present results of Monte Carlo simulations of the gauge glass model in three dimensions using exchange Monte Carlo. We show for the first time clear evidence of the vortex glass ordered phase at finite temperature. Using finite size scaling we obtain estimates for the correlation length exponent, $\nu = 1.39 \pm 0.20$, the correlation function exponent, $\eta = -0.47 \pm 0.07 $, and the dynamic exponent $z = 4.2 \pm 0.6$. Using our values for $z$ and $\nu$ we calculate the resistivity exponent to be $s = 4.5 \pm 1.1$. Finally, we provide a plausible lower bound on the the zero-temperature stiffness exponent, $\theta \ge 0.18$.

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