Monte Carlo Simulations of Spin Glasses at Low Temperatures

Helmut G. Katzgraber Matteo Palassini and A.P. Young
Phys. Rev. B 63, 184422, (2001), cond-mat/0007113

We report the results of Monte Carlo simulations on several spin glass models at low temperatures. By using the parallel tempering (Exchange Monte Carlo) technique we are able to equilibrate down to low temperatures, for moderate sizes, and hence the data should not be affected by critical fluctuations. Our results for short range models are consistent with a picture proposed earlier that there are large scale excitations which cost only a finite energy in the thermodynamic limit, and these excitations have a surface whose fractal dimension is less than the space dimension. For the infinite range Viana-Bray model, our results obtained for a similar number of spins are consistent with standard replica symmetry breaking.

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