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Quantum Mechanics Physics 215

Homework 3. Due in Class Wednesday February 9

  1. Consider the one-dimensional problem of a particle moving in a delta-function potential:


    (a) Solve for the bound state energies and wavefunctions. Consider the cases W > 0 and W< 0 separately. [Hint: Integrate the Schrödinger\ equation between tex2html_wrap_inline94 and tex2html_wrap_inline96 . Let tex2html_wrap_inline98 and note that the derivative of the wave function is discontinuous at x = 0.]

    (b) In the case of E > 0 (where E is the energy), obtain the reflection coefficient R and transmission coefficient T. Write the coefficients in terms of the dimensionless parameter tex2html_wrap_inline110 where tex2html_wrap_inline112 is the ground state energy obtained in part (a), in the case of W > 0. What is the behavior of T(b) as tex2html_wrap_inline118 ?

  2. A one-dimensional potential has the following form:


    where tex2html_wrap_inline122 and b are positive constants.

    (a) Find tex2html_wrap_inline122 as a function of b such that there is just one bound state, of about zero binding energy, for a particle of mass M.

    (b) Applying this crude model to the deuteron (a bound state of a proton and a neutron), evaluate tex2html_wrap_inline122 in MeV, assuming tex2html_wrap_inline134 cm and tex2html_wrap_inline136 , (where tex2html_wrap_inline138 is the proton mass).

    (c) Why did I set tex2html_wrap_inline136 rather than tex2html_wrap_inline142 in part (b)?

  3. In this problem, we will study the bound states and scattering states of a particle of mass m moving in a potential:


    where q is positive. You could attempt to solve the Schrödinger equation directly, but the resulting differential equation is quite complicated, (but see e.g. S. Flügge, Practical Quantum Mechanics, problem 39). Instead, you can go through the following tricks which make the solution of this problem quite simple.

    (a) Define the differential operator


    Show that the Hamiltonian for this problem can be written in operator form:


    where tex2html_wrap_inline154 is the adjoint of A. Prove that the energy eigenvalues must be non-negative.

    (b) Construct a second Hamiltonian tex2html_wrap_inline158 given by:


    Evaluate tex2html_wrap_inline158 explicitly and show that the corresponding potential is independent of x. Solve for the energy eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of tex2html_wrap_inline158 . What is the minimum value of the allowed energy eigenvalues?

    (c) Show that if tex2html_wrap_inline168 is an eigenfunction of H, then either:

    		(i) 		 tex2html_wrap_inline172  is an eigenstate of  tex2html_wrap_inline158 , or

    (ii) tex2html_wrap_inline168 is an eigenstate of H with zero eigenvalue.

    Similarly show that if tex2html_wrap_inline180 is an eigenstate of tex2html_wrap_inline158 then tex2html_wrap_inline184 is an eigenstate of H. Conclude that H and tex2html_wrap_inline158 have the same eigenvalue spectrum, except for one eigenstate of H with zero eigenvalue.

    (d) Let tex2html_wrap_inline194 be an energy eigenfunction of H with energy tex2html_wrap_inline198 , with k > q. Define tex2html_wrap_inline202 . Then tex2html_wrap_inline194 takes the form:


    Using results of parts (b) and (c), write down the exact energy eigenfunctions of H with k > q. Then determine the reflection and transmission amplitudes R(K) and T(K).

    (e) Check for conservation of probability ( tex2html_wrap_inline216 ). Using the expression for T, find all the bound state energies of H.

    (f) Using part (c), show that if tex2html_wrap_inline222 is the ground state of H with zero eigenvalue, then tex2html_wrap_inline226 . Solve the resulting differential equation (in the coordinate basis) for the ground state wave function of H.

  4. Consider a periodic potential in one-dimension which satisfies V(x + L) = V(x).

    (a) Show that the translational operator tex2html_wrap_inline232 commutes withe the Hamiltonian:


    (b) We may choose the energy eigenstates to be simultaneous eigenstates of the translation operator. Show that the general form of such eigenstates is:


    where tex2html_wrap_inline238 . That is, the eigenfunctions are plane waves modulated by a function with the periodicity of the potential. (This is called Bloch's theorem).

  5. Prove the following identities involving the Pauli matrices:
    		(a)		 tex2html_wrap_inline240  .

    (b) tex2html_wrap_inline242 .

    (c) tex2html_wrap_inline244 ,

    where tex2html_wrap_inline246 is a unit vector.
  6. An electron is subject to a uniform, time-independent magnetic field of strength B in the positive z-direction. At time t = 0, the electron is known to be in an eigenstate of tex2html_wrap_inline254 with eigenvalue tex2html_wrap_inline256 , where tex2html_wrap_inline246 is a unit vector, lying in the xz-plane, that makes an angle tex2html_wrap_inline262 with the z axis.

    (a) Obtain the probability for finding the electron in the tex2html_wrap_inline266 state as a function of time.

    (b) Find the expectation value of tex2html_wrap_inline268 as a function of time.

    (c) Check explicitly the extreme cases of tex2html_wrap_inline270 and tex2html_wrap_inline272 .

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Peter Young
Mon Feb 1 17:16:02 PST 1999