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Quantum Mechanics Physics 215

Homework 2. Due in Class Friday January 28

  1. (a) Consider a quantum mechanical ensemble characterized by a density matrix tex2html_wrap_inline75 . Suppose that the system is governed by a Hermitian Hamiltonian H (which may be time dependent). Show that the time evolution of tex2html_wrap_inline75 (in the Schrödinger picture) is given by


    (b) Let tex2html_wrap_inline83 be the time evolution operator. Find a general expression for tex2html_wrap_inline85 in terms of tex2html_wrap_inline87 and U.

    (c) Prove that tex2html_wrap_inline91 is time independent. Hence show that a pure state cannot evolve into a mixed state.

  2. In a one-dimensional problem, consider a particle of potential energy V(x) = - f x, where f > 0.

    (a) Write Ehrenfest's theorem for the mean values of the position x and momentum p. Integrate these equations and compare with the classical motion.

    (b) Show that the root-mean-square deviation tex2html_wrap_inline101 does not vary with time.

    (c) Write the Schrödinger equation in the p-representation. Deduce from it a relation between


    Solve the equation thus obtained and give a physical interpretation.

    (d) Write the Schrödinger equation in the x-representation. What are the energy eigenfunctions? (This will take a little research on your part into the area of special functions).

    (e) Is the energy spectrum continuous or discrete? What is the behavior of the energy eigenfunctions as tex2html_wrap_inline109 ?

    (f) If the potential is replaced by V(x) = f|x|, how would your answer to part (e) change?

  3. Consider a particle in three dimensions whose Hamiltonian is given by


    By calculating tex2html_wrap_inline115 , obtain


    This becomes the quantum mechanical virial theorem,


    provided tex2html_wrap_inline121 . Under what conditions does this happen?

  4. In this problem you are asked to derive the Feynman-Hellmann Theorem.

    (a) Suppose that the Hamiltonian tex2html_wrap_inline123 depends on a real parameter tex2html_wrap_inline125 . That is tex2html_wrap_inline127 . Show that


    [Hint: Evaluate tex2html_wrap_inline131 .]

    (b) Consider the one-dimensional problem with the Hamiltonian


    where V is independent of the mass m. Suppose that this Hamiltonian possesses a particular energy eigenstate with energy eigenvalue E. Describe the behavior of E as m decreases.

  5. Let tex2html_wrap_inline145 be the nth energy eigenstate of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator. Let X and P be the position and momentum operators respectively.

    (a) Compute tex2html_wrap_inline153 , tex2html_wrap_inline155 , tex2html_wrap_inline157 , and tex2html_wrap_inline159 . Calculate tex2html_wrap_inline161 for arbitrary n.

    (b) Check that the Virial Theorem holds for the expectation values of the kinetic and the potential energy taken with respect to an energy eigenstate.

  6. Consider the operator:


    (a) Let tex2html_wrap_inline167 be an eigenvector of a with eigenvalue tex2html_wrap_inline125 . This is called a coherent state. Compute tex2html_wrap_inline173 . Using this result show that tex2html_wrap_inline175 . Why does a lack of orthogonality not violate any of our quantum mechanics postulates?

    (b) Consider the operator a in the context of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator. Compute tex2html_wrap_inline179 , where tex2html_wrap_inline145 is the nth energy eigenstate. (Assume that tex2html_wrap_inline167 is normalized to unity.) Given a coherent state tex2html_wrap_inline167 , find the most probable value of n (and corresponding energy E).

    (c) Prove that the normalized coherent state can be written as:


    (d) Prove that the coherent state is a state of minimum uncertainty, i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline195 .

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Peter Young
Thu Jan 13 09:37:34 PST 2000