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Quantum Mechanics Physics 215

Homework 5. Due in Class Friday March 10

  1. One might be tempted to conclude from the lack of angular momentum in the ground state of the hydrogen atom that the electron is stationary. Show that this is not so by calculating the probability that the electron's momentum, if measured, would be found to line in a momentum element tex2html_wrap_inline57 centered at momentum tex2html_wrap_inline59 . What are electron's mean kinetic and potential energy? Show that the Virial Theorem is satisfied.
  2. The electron current density is defined as:


    where tex2html_wrap_inline63 is the electron mass. (Note: e > 0 and the charge of the electron is -e.)

    (a) Evaluate the current density for the n=2, l=1, m=-1 state of the hydrogen atom as a function of position. (It is particularly convenient to express the current in spherical components). Sketch a picture of the flow of current.

    (b) Calculate the current flowing in a ring of cross section dA and the magnetic moment it produces (using classical electromagnetic theory). Integrate to find the entire magnetic moment produced by the current distribution.

    (c) How do your answers above change for the n=2, l=1, m=1 state of hydrogen? Interpret the difference physically.

    (d) Obtain the general result for the current density and total (integrated) magnetic moment of hydrogen with arbitrary n, l and m.

  3. Consider the following set of expectation values for the electron radius in the hydrogen atom:


    (a) Derive the following recurrence relation:


    where tex2html_wrap_inline83 is the Bohr radius. This result is valid when k > -(2l + 1).

    Hint: First, show that the radial equation can be written in the following form:


    where tex2html_wrap_inline89 is a suitably rescaled radial variable. Multiply this equation by tex2html_wrap_inline91 and also by tex2html_wrap_inline93 and partially integrate the two results. One can then obtain a recurrence relation for tex2html_wrap_inline95

    (b) Evaluate tex2html_wrap_inline97 and tex2html_wrap_inline99 .

    Hint: In evaluating tex2html_wrap_inline101 for k=-1 use the Virial Theorem. For k=1 and k=2, use the results of part (a).

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Peter Young
Tue Mar 7 21:17:56 PST 2000